Our History

Dale, Hutto & Lyle, PLLC began as a partnership in 1987 between T. Edward Lawwell, Frank K. Dale and William A. Graham in Columbia, Tennessee. The firm has grown since that time, focusing on the real estate needs of Maury County. While Mr. Lawwell and Mr. Graham have retired, the firm has added new attorneys and partners, most recently adding Bevin W. Lyle as a partner.

The law firm focuses on real estate, estate planning, probate, business formation and general counsel for small business and non-profits. We work with clients to close commercial transactions, resolve partitions suits and other property issues, prepare comprehensive estate plans, including wills, trusts, and advance directives. Once the plan is in place, we also work with the heirs, executors and administrators of estates to assist them with the probate process. We also provide advice on demand to local small businesses and non-profits.

Additionally, the partners of the firm wholly own Maury County Title Company which has continuously provided real estate closing services since the beginning of the firm.